We are uniting Teachers and Parents Against Pornography and Sexualized Content in Schools

Are you a teacher who is willing to stand up against pornography? We know you have opposition, we want to help you…. we want to lock arms with you to protect the children.

How can you make a difference?

Take a stand by pledging to provide a pornography free zone in the classroom. This is a private pledge, your identity is secure if you choose, but your gift to children is immeasurable and greatly appreciated from all parents who are supporting you as an educator in the US.


This one promise to yourself and to others says that you will not allow schools to sexualize children. Thank you!

Are you a parent, grandparent or concerned citizen who wants to take a stand against pornography in education?

We welcome your pledge for the mission, too. Commit to supporting our teachers.


We are supporting each other through our efforts to stop pornography and sexualized material in school curriculum and libraries.

You are not alone…. We are a team and we are with you working together for a brighter educational future

Do you know of a school that is sexually exploiting students? SEND US A TIP or an article that we can post today!


And we are on TRUTH SOCIAL


There are MANY organizations currently fighting for our children. Here is a list of a few that you may want to research for information:

Courage is a Habit

Moms For America

Moms For Liberty

Libs of TikTok

Gays Against Groomers

No Left Turn

The Kids Guide to Indoctrination

National Center on Sexual Exploitation


Check for a book review here: BookLooks

Find books in your school system: Follett

This site has ratings for books: Common Sense Media

Safe Education

What should be included in education? Do you have links to organizations that you support as a teacher? Are you a Parent who has spoken out to your child’s school? Do you have favorite BOE talking points to help others get the message across in their towns and cities? Reach out to us to submit your information to share with our community.