
Our schools are in danger. The radical ideology that has been ushered in to our educational system is an attack on our children.

Sexualizing children is not normal, it is perverse.

What can we do?

In response to the pornographic materials deceivingly presented as curriculum in schools, we are coming together to provide unlimited support for the teachers who want to teach without being forced to push radical ideology on children.

We are here to stand in the gap, to stand up for the teachers so they will not have to succumb to progressive threats using our children as weapons in a war of activists against parents and families.

  • Support legislation that protects teachers and children in the classroom from pornographic material
  • Support teachers from being forced to present sexualized material to students
  • Support all who are against children experimentation in sexual transformation and transitioning youth genders
  • Support all who are for education without sexualization
  • Support teachers, school district employees, homeschools, private schools, PEAs, youth sport programs, public libraries, boards of educations, unions, town officials, politicians, parents and everyone who will keep porn away from children

How can you help?

Join together to push back for the sake of our children and the future of education. Let us know who you are and how you want to help the cause. We are in this together for a brighter future.

We are on TRUTH SOCIAL and GETTR – Join us!